Sunday, June 7, 2009

Road Trip!

Tomorrow we leave for our big two week road trip to California. We flew there last summer to see Chris's mom but we're being adventurous (or crazy) and driving it this time. We're taking the long way too - heading to Carlsbad Caverns, the Painted Desert, the Grand Canyon, etc. I think we'll get to Newport Beach sometime on Saturday. That's my best guess anyway. We're not packed yet and I'm still doing laundry. So plan on this blog being silent for awhile and when I get back I promise to flood your computers with pictures and stories of our trip. Cross your fingers that we don't kill each other in the car on the way!


Kelli said...

Have fun and be careful....California drivers are C R A Z Y!

kelly said...

Have fun! Can't wait to see pictures & hear the stories!