Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A surprise from Daddy

Chris heard about an offer from the USO to have soldiers record a video of themselves reading a book to their children and took them up on it (without telling us). On Monday the boys got a mystery package from Daddy that contained a book and a DVD. It was the neatest thing to get to watch Daddy read the book that the kids were holding. Alex & Zachary were super excited! The only downfall was that Alex thought he could talk to Daddy and that he could talk back just like we do on Skype and got a little sad when I told him that it was just a "movie" of Dad. We still loved it!

Yes, Zachary is dressed as Ironman. I'm telling you, that box of super hero costumes was the best money I ever spent!


soccermom10 said...

too cute! Way to go Chris!

Joanne said...

That's adorable! I'm impressed that Chris did that without any prodding from you!

Sara said...

Very sweet!

kelly said...

Totally awesome!!