Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School is almost here!

I still don't know what to think about it. I'm kinda nervous for some reason, and a little sad. I'm going to have all this free time to fill. I've already got a dentist appointment and a vet appointment scheduled during school hours next week. It was nice to be able to schedule those things without worrying about what days Chris would be home to watch the kids or having to take them with me. We've got all the school supplies and a lunch box for Zachary (Alex already had one). We've bought some new school clothes. I've talked with transportation (they are eligible for the bus). I'm going to be taking the boys to school in the morning but letting them ride the bus home in the afternoon. It will give us about 40 extra minutes of sleep in the mornings. I finally got the teacher assignments and Alex and Zachary are in different classes like I thought. I told them about it and they didn't seem to care much which is good. I think it will be good for them to be seperated. Friday we have a meet the teacher night at school and get to see their rooms. I guess I'm ready. I know they're ready.


kelly said...

Wow! I can imagine those mixed emotions, but you will be fine & they will have a great year!

soccermom10 said...

awwww they are going to have so much fun! I think them being in different classes will be a good thing.