Monday, August 18, 2008

Leapin' Lizards, Batman

While Chris and they boys were playing in the backyard this afternoon they found a lizard climbing up our gutter. They all tried to catch him and were calling "here lizard" as if that would help. They did finally succeed and when they did Chris let Zachary hold it. Bad idea. Zachary loved it but squeezed so tight I feared for the lizards life. (He also got bit a few times but didn't seem to mind.) When he did release his death grip the lizard limped off so I hope he'll be O.K.


soccermom10 said...


Joanne said...

You let him not only hold it, but hold it long enough for it to BITE HIM? EWWWW!!! I guess you always were the frog catcher...makes sense that Zach would like creepy crawlers! ;-)

Karen said...

Daddy did it all. I just told them to call me when they caught it so I could take a picture!

kelly said...

Love the new look :-)
I didn't know lizards could actually bite you?!?