Friday, August 8, 2008


I must say that Alex and Zachary really play together well, for the most part. When they first came home - well, not so much. It didn't take too long though until they started behaving like brothers. That means sometimes playing nicely and sometimes fighting. Of course there is also the play that I guess is just a boy thing (or maybe an all kid thing) that is often introduced by dad. They like to chase each other with cars (that they ride), just plain chase with screaming involved and use anything and everything as a baseball bat. Daddy shows them how to box, how to bury each other in the beans (I should have taken a picture of this yesterday), how to throw a ball at someones head, how to throw pillows at each other, etc. Lots of these things get them in trouble and daddy apologizes after he shows it to them knowing that mama won't like it or let them do it again. I guess that's a dad thing.
This is the kind of nice, quiet playing that mama likes. This morning they used the blocks to make elephant noses.