Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas party

Yesterday was the Christmas party for Chris's work (The National Guard). They had a Blackhawk helicopter on display and all the kids loved it. It was decorated with Christmas lights . At first Alex wasn't so sure about it. I think that he was afraid that it was a ride and was going to move. We had to assure him that it would stay on the ground and was "broken". Really it is an old one that they don't fly anymore. The kids crawled all around inside and had a great time. Zachary couldn't get enough. He especially loved pushing all the buttons. I think he's ready for his flying lessons!
Our future pilot!
Of course we also had to swing by the house since it was on the way so Chris could see the carpet and fireplace. Here's a picture of the "finished" fireplace. The wooden mantel still needs to be stained. Boy is it huge! I'm worried that it makes the living room feel smaller.


kelly said...

cute helicopter pics!

Sara said...

It looks really good. But it does look huge, but I think that's just because it's big compared to Zach!! The boys look so cute in the helicopter!

Joanne said...

I love the one with Zach at the controls! I don't doubt that all the kids loved being able to climb in and play with a real helicopter! Very fun!