Our house should have a big plastic bubble around it. We're still not well. The boys still have yucky noses and I have that plus a cough. Alex is still on his ear medicine and I think one of his eardrums popped or whatever it does last night. Last night Chris became officially sick. He had a fever of around 102.6 and went straight to bed when he came home from work (he knows he should have left early but didn't). He did make a doctor's appointment for today though. In addition to having the flu or whatever we had he also has bronchitis. So, he's got several meds to take now too. He did not go back to work today.
On the healthy side - the boys have their appetites back. Zach's came back first and he wanted to eat all day. A few nights ago Chris brought dinner home since I felt too puny to cook. After Zachary finished most of his dinner he kept asking Chris for his corn on the cob. Chris would cut off a few rows and Zach just gobbled them up. After repeatedly asking for more, Chris just gave up and gave the whole thing to Zachary. Zach was the last one left at the table still munching away on that corn. I just think it was fun to eat.
I hope you all feel better soon! Louie also loves his corn on the cob:-)
That picture is so cute!
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