Saturday, February 7, 2009

Unfinished projects

While unpacking I've run across several projects that I've started over the years and not finished. This one is probably the oldest. It's quilted Christmas place mats that I made in a quilting class I took somewhere around 2002-2003 while we were stationed in Ft. Rucker, Alabama. It only needs the edges. Although I didn't find it for a picture there is also a crib sized quilt I made in this class that still needs the edges too.

This was a baby quilt I started for my now 4 year old niece. Since this was the 2nd girl in the family they were already overwhelmed with pink so I chose other colors. The blue print has little flowers on it so I probably can't use it for my boys. I love it though and really want to finish it.

I let my sister pick this needle point out and told her I would do it for her. Now that I think about it this could have been before the baby quilt. What I didn't realize when I bought this needle point was this huge size of it. It's very detailed and while it has not seen the light of day for at least a year it takes a long time to make any progress.

This is another project for that same sister. It will eventually be a t-shirt quilt from all of her many many college t-shirts. The shirts are all cut apart but only 6 of them are made into prepared & backed quilt squares.

This last one could stay the way it is and nobody would have to know. I'm guess that maybe two years ago I started this one. This was an ugly old dresser that I painted white and changed the hardware on. It looks so much cuter now. The unfinished part is that I never bothered to paint and hang the mirror on top.

I don't know when I'll ever find time again for any of these. I've got so much house stuff, especially yard work to do. Not to mention certain little boys running around the house. Am I the only one with this many started & stopped projects?


pokerfacemom said...

I also have unfinished projects all around the house and ironically I also have 2 boys,ones 2 years and 6 months old. And it's very hard to start any kind of project much less finish one.

Sara said...

No! You're not the only one! I have so many unfinished project...I just hope I find them all one day. Maybe while moving...

Joanne said...

I remember when you made those place mats! Wasn't there a table runner to go with them?

I do think that the Last Supper needle point was before Hannah's baby blanket. I think you started it as soon as you finished the Noah's Ark one. Get cracking!!!

Karen said...


There is a table runner and it was finished. I don't know why I stopped there. I have been working on the cross stitch the last few days but don't expect it anytime soon!

Kelli said...

I have so many unfinished projects it's not even funny! If you bring the Christmas place mats & the baby quilt to your Mom's, I'd be happy to finish the edges for you. It would take maybe 30 minutes to sew 1/2 of the binding on.....then you could decide if you wanted to hand stitch or top stitch the other 1/2.